Orbital Surgery

 Orbital surgery utilizes the same techniques as a skull base surgery and gains access to the orbit (or eye socket) without having to make external cuts.

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Why You Might Need Orbital Surgery

Orbital Surgery Procedure

While oculoplastic surgery is a procedure that treats conditions involving the orbit, eyelids, tear ducts, and face, orbital surgery takes care of complications in the eye socket. When done via endoscopy, the surgeon will work to remove the bones of the medial and inferior orbit structures through the nostril rather than external incisions. 

Orbital Surgery Procedure
Orbital Surgery

Benefits of Orbital Surgery

It’s Less Invasive: During endoscopic orbital surgery, the surgeon doesn’t have to make cuts to the skin to access the eye socket, which leads to less visible scarring and pain after the operation.

It’s More Efficient: This type of procedure improves visibility and allows for a lower risk of damage to the surrounding tissues and nerves. It also reduces the chances of infection and provides a faster recovery period for patients. 

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