Revision and Frontal Sinus Surgery

Sinus surgeries involve opening up sinus passageways and clearing blockages to alleviate symptoms. At Eric F. Succar, MD, we offer surgical treatments for chronic sinusitis as well as revision surgery.

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Causes of Frontal Sinusitis

More About the Frontal Sinuses

The frontal sinuses are a pair of small, air-filled cavities found behind the eyes and are part of three other paranasal sinuses. They’re responsible for draining mucus through the nasal passages and are prone to the most complications. When an infection occurs, it can lead to excessive mucus production and inflammation, preventing the mucus from draining. The result is frontal sinusitis.


Frontal Sinus Surgery

Frontal sinus surgery occurs as a last resort and is used to clear the sinuses of obstructive tissues and other blockages, preventing potentially life-threatening complications. 

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